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Seinfeld Trivia Night at Playalinda Brewing Company Hardware Store

The trivia night about absolutely nothing…

Come test your knowledge on one of the most memorable sitcoms of the 90’s…Seinfeld! Bring your man hands, eat some salty pretzels, and pretend that you’re an architect. If you don’t show up, just know that the Jerk Store called and they’re running out of you. Here’s to feeling good all the time!

Want to earn some extra trivia points?
Show up 20 minutes early and score an “early-bird” chip which is good for an extra hard point.

You can play solo, or on a team of up to four people, as you battle your way through level after level of brain-boggling trivia on a quest to win Playalinda prizes.

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$39 Million Beach Restoration Project Protects Wildlife While Protecting Way of Life

$39 Million Beach Restoration Project Protects Wildlife While Protecting Way of Life. Beach restoration on Florida’s Space Coast began as an effort to protect the 72-mile-long coastline from threats posed by beach erosion and storms. Today, the project is receiving national recognition for creating healthy habitats for coastal wildlife and…

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Vacation Planner

Dive into the Space Coast Vacation Planner then launch into an unforgettable getaway.

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