Celebrating The Lagoon - Art and Music in EGAD Arts District
JOIN US ON April 4. It’s FIRST FRIDAY in the Eau Gallie Arts District.
This special event is a tribute to our Indian River Lagoon, so important to our quality of life and our economic impact as a region. The galleries have Lagoon-focused surprises planned. On this special night, from 5:30-8:30p, Eau Gallie Square will be filled with exhibitors and voices speaking for the Lagoon—and musicians playing from the stage. Don’t miss the special Lagoon-focused event, Just Another Fish On The Wall, at Fifth Avenue Art Gallery.
Join the fun on April 4th, see the art, hear the speakers and enjoy the music.
Be part of it all, as everyone matters. It takes all of us. It takes each of us.
See you in The Square!